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Successful investment transactions at Rustler

News | 16.12.2024


After a successful and strong first half of the year, Rustler’s brokerage company continues to report successful deals in the investment business area, which includes the brokerage of apartment buildings, property development projects and commercial properties.


The purchase agreement for an apartment building in Vienna Wieden that had been privately owned for many years was recently signed, which was sold by the community of heirs to a private investor, represented by Helmut Dietler, CEO of ViennaEstate Immobilien AG. The due diligence was carried out by the ViennaEstate Immobilien AG team. Dietler emphasizes: “The success of this transaction underscores the importance of working in partnership with experienced players. Together we rely on the highest quality and reliability in order to offer investors and sellers tailor-made solutions.” Investment broker Kira Freigassner accompanied this deal on behalf of the mandated brokerage company Rustler.


“The development in our investment team remains pleasing and positive. In addition to the most recent transaction, we recently successfully sold a duo of apartment buildings to a market participant specializing in historic buildings,” report managing directors Alexander Scheuch and Arno Kunz.


In addition, further investment transactions in Vienna, Tyrol and Vorarlberg are currently in the final contract processing and interesting commercial properties are being marketed, the company continues. “This is not least possible due to our supra-regional presence and cooperation throughout Austria,” add Scheuch and Kunz.